FOUND EQUINE Susie - Estray, Near Wann, OK, 74048

FOUND EQUINE Susie - Estray, Near Wann, OK, 74048

The report with the number 1646 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

FOUND EQUINE Susie - Estray, Near Wann, OK, 74048

NetPosse Report ID # : 1646 (3106)
Description : Mare had been roaming for several months along country roads. Very thin, some injuries, our rescue was called to take her in. Her left shoulder is branded, fairly recent brand when we picked her up in December 2011 - it was still scabbed over. She is now healthy and has gained her weight back.
Area Last Seen : Wann, OK, 74048
Date of Incident : 12/15/2011