Missing Horse named Kids star - Goderich, Ontario, N7A 3Y3 | NetPosse ID #7577

Missing Horse Near Goderich, Ontario, N7A 3Y3

NetPosse ID #: 7577
Name: Kids star
Species: Horse
Breed: Standardbred

Morrissey B was given on May 10, 2014 to a rescue to be used as a personal riding horse and returned to Jackie Wimbush of Belleville, Ontario, Canada or myself, Dianne Foster of Goderich, Ontario, Canada, if no longer wanted by the rescue.

On May 9, 2014 this same rescue requested information on Stark Raven Mad as she was looking for a companion horse. After speaking to and meeting with the rescue I gave Stark Raven Mad to them on May 31, 2014. He was to be reunited with Morrissey B whom he had grown up with on our farm. They were both going to be companions for a couple of Clydesdales and be sent to a trainer to further their English training under saddle.

Over the next several months as per our agreement I asked for updates on their progress and was told they, either, were away in training or out on pasture and various reasons why the rescue had not been in touch with me. All seemed like reasonable excuses. I asked where the trainer was located that she had said she sent them to for training for her own personal use and also mentioned visiting them but never received an answer.

On Sept 21, 2014 when I messaged to ask about them. I inquired with the rescue if she knew of anyone looking for riding horses would she please keep me in mind as I had several more to re-home. She stated she was interested in the 2 trotters, J Cs Vision and Kids Star, that we had. I at no time asked her to take them. She wanted them to teach 4H kids and possibly re-home with one of them if a suitable match was found. I delivered JC s Vision and Kids Star to Sauders on Dec 12, 2014.

I sent her a brief, polite message on Aug 2, 2015 asking how all 4 were doing as I was becoming more concerned due to complete lack of contact by her. She became hostile and cut off all contact. As, clearly, something was not right I began my search. I discovered that J Cs Vision and Kids Star had been sold within a couple of days to a Mennonite dealer. They were, in fact, already sold when she told me she was going to bring them home to us in Dec 2014. I have been able to track these 2 through several dealers and auction sales and approx locate J CS Vision in Indiana, USA and Kids Star in Pennsylvannia, USA. Both pulling buggies and exactly where they were not supposed to be. Kids Star, at the moment, is completely lost. I have an approx location for JC but have been unable to make the final contact. I have found no trace of Morrissey B or Stark Raven Mad. I believe Morrissey B and Stark Raven Mad to have also been sold to Amish/Mennonites and are located somewhere in Ontario. The Mennonite/Amish people have done nothing wrong and, in fact, have been very kind and helpful in my search.

Our practice is to re-home Standardbreds that we have raced and whose race careers are over, to suitable homes free of charge, with the agreement of regular contact, visits, photos and they are to be returned to us if no longer wanted.

Area Last Seen: Goderich, Ontario, N7A 3Y3
Date Lost: 2/17/2016



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