Stolen Equipment named 5 horse Gore trailer - Aiken, SC, 29805 | NetPosse ID #3147

Stolen Equipment Near Aiken, SC, 29805

NetPosse ID #: 3147
Name: 5 horse Gore trailer
Make/Model: 1992 5 horse gore trailer
Description: Our horse trailer broke down while traveling and wasn't towable. Got it fixed on Monday 2/3/20 and when we got back to pick it up On 2/4/20 it was gone. Wasn’t towed by law enforcement as we confirmed with them and we were in contact while it was there making sure it doesn’t get towed. It was stolen. Please keep an eye out for it as we depend on it for income and travel and it wasn’t fully insured for some reason.
Area Last Seen: Aiken, SC, 29805
Date Stolen: 2/3/2020

