Searching For Horse named Indeed Im Elite - Crestline/ Lake Gregory/ Lake Arrowhead , CA, 92325 | NetPosse ID #6430

Searching For Horse Near Crestline/ Lake Gregory/ Lake Arrowhead , CA, 92325

NetPosse ID #: 6430
Name: Indeed Im Elite
Gender: Gelding
Species: Horse
Breed: Paint OVERO
Description: 2015: I sold my horse to a lovely family near Lake Arrowhead for personal reasons. They told me he might not work out for them a few weeks later. I had first right of refusal in our sales contract but couldn't repurchase him that soon after. I asked them to let me know if they would put him up for sale because I had a friend interested in him as a husband's horse. I never heard anything, and then finally, about a year ago, they responded that they had given him away and didn't know where he was. I was devastated when I heard this because I always hoped he'd be back with me one day. I realize it is my fault for selling him in the first place, but I have thought about him every day since he left. More than anything, I want to know that he is okay, and I'd love the opportunity to get him back if that's ever an option. I love him very much.
Area Last Seen: Crestline/ Lake Gregory/ Lake Arrowhead , CA, 92325
Date Last Known: 10/15/2015

