SEARCHING HORSE HISTORY Crystal Blue, Near Honeybrook, PA, 08312

SEARCHING HORSE HISTORY Crystal Blue, Near Honeybrook, PA, 08312

The report with the number 2509 does exist but the owner has not yet transferred the report to the new website. As a courtesy you can view a partial summary of the report below.

SEARCHING HORSE HISTORY Crystal Blue, Near Honeybrook, PA, 08312

NetPosse Report ID # : 2509 (7024)
Description : Got a horse from a rescue..Trying to find some back ground on her and hoping her previous owners see this knowing that she is IN fact ok and didn't get shipped.Shes a great horse! Her name on her Coggins was Crystal Blue..we call her Blue now..she got bastard strangles an lived (TG) then got australian Stringhalt..If you know this horse please contact me
Area Last Seen : Honeybrook, PA, 08312
Date of Incident : 3/5/2013