Report Types and How to File a Report

Report Types and How to File a Report


How do I file a report?

  1. Go to
  2. Register for an account.
  3. Login to your account.
  4. Click on FILE REPORT.
  5. Check the kind of report you are filing.
  6. Follow the prompts to fill in the information.
  7. Do not forget to upload images.
What do I get for the basic report?

We are so happy that we can provide a service that no one else in the world provides via a nonprofit organization or even a social media platform. The fundamental report has many advantages. When you finish your report, the following may be available but tailored specifically to the report filed.
  • a webpage that is indexed in Google and other search engines
  • pictures on your webpage
  • description of your incident
  • a flyer made by our website
  • a listing that can be updated by you at any time just by logging into your account and your report
  • NetPosse Alerts on our social media platforms
  • NetPosse Alerts to our mailing list
  • contacts made by our reports team to specific people, groups, and organizations on your behalf
  • a link to share your webpage and information to your emails, social media platforms, and more
  • the comment section at the bottom of your report listing webpage so you can update tips, progress, etc., to your report easily
  • limited consultation with experts in this field
  • volunteers and supporters that share out NetPosse Alerts
  • more NetPosse Alerts sent out upon request
  • other articles on linked to your report when necessary
  • and a listing on our website for as long as your horse is missing as long as our program exists

We cannot guarantee that we will find your horse. No one can do that. However, we can guarantee that we are giving you a platform that has brought home many horses because of the report listing's existence on our website. Other options are available when you file your report. All of the listing fees go back to the victim's service program (which supports your listing) to help with the high costs of the database website. None of this money is paid in salaries, but we do have costs involved in the website. All of our staff are volunteers and always have been.

What is the difference between sharing on social media and posting on this website?

Stolen Horse International, also known as NetPosse, is a volunteer-driven 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides many services to the horse industry and victims.

Social media platforms are just one way we contact people in our network. Please, notice the many Facebook groups and pages which follow our lead from the work we do via our website. We are the only social media group on all social media backed by over 25 years of experience helping victims. You can view our accomplishments and learn more about Stolen Horse International on the ABOUT link.

Why do I have to file a report to get your help?

We document all of our cases and add them to our Google-indexed database. This tool has brought many horses home years after disappearing because they were on our website. Please, go to, register for an account, and click File A Report.

Click on this link for more instructions. 

What information do I need to file a report?

Be prepared to provide detailed information about your animal and case. We need your name, phone, pet’s name, age, breed, color, last seen location, photos, and other relevant details. Similar data will be required if you file a tack or equipment report.

If you file a stolen horse report or a criminal report, the law enforcement case number information is required. It is not required for non-criminal cases such as missing, searching for, lost, and found. Do not include names of people or places that could be considered slander. If this happens the names will be removed by our staff. You can email the whole story, including names to Stolen Horse International at Put the NETPOSSE REPORT number and the horse's name in the subject line.

Once paid in full, your report is automatically added to our website. Our website automatically generates a flyer based on the information you input. All of this information will be displayed on our website.

When NetPosse Alerts are warranted, our staff has the right to change the content of your report or the status of a report filed. We also have the right to remove a report when our guidelines are not followed correctly. The site is set up for one animal for one report. Do not put multiple animals on one report. For custom cases, don't hesitate to contact us for more information if you have questions.

Our easy-to-remember name and recognizable logo/flyer are invaluable because is well-established and has an outstanding reputation. Our missing horse and equipment database makes it easy for someone to find and contact you immediately. We request that you use our flyer when posting in public places and on social media. We do not use outside personal flyers.

What kind of reports can I file?

While we cannot guarantee results, provides critical tools in the search for your equine, livestock, pets, tack, and equipment that cannot be found anywhere else for such a minimal fee. Victims may also benefit from more than 23 years of experience in the equine industry and theft situations through this dedicated volunteer organization and its extensive network of individuals, equine professionals, law enforcement agencies, and others who can aid in the recovery of your property. 

I Am The Owner has three categories: Missing, Stolen, and Cruelty.
Not the Owner/Found Report has three categories: Found, Searching, and Cruelty.
Filing for A Friend: Sometimes, friends want to file for a friend. However, we recommend that only the owner or legal guardian of the animal or item in question file a report for legal purposes. We reserve the right to change the report or content of the report that the owner has not filed. 

You may file the following types of reports on our website for animals, equipment, and cruelty as an owner, friend, or finder.

  • You will receive one NetPosse ID Registry with most reports filed. 
  • Stolen Equine (Criminal Theft)—This case must be associated with an active or inactive criminal case with law enforcement. This is not for lost, found, missing, civil, or searching for reports. Include law enforcement contact info and case number in your description.
  • Missing Equine (Lost / Escape)—Runaway animals or animals where you have no idea how they are missing and have not been filed with an open criminal case number.  
  • Missing Equine (Civil Case)—You can also file a civil case under missing equine. These are cases that are not criminal, often where there is some civil dispute. You are responsible for the details. We request that you leave names and identifying places from these reports, such as a farm name and the name of the people involved. Email that information to so we can add it to your file.
  • Searching for Equine—This report is not a criminal stolen animal report and should not be used for criminal theft. It is used to find information/location on a horse or pet you once knew or owned. You file this type in the missing or searching sections on the website.  
  • Searching for History—This report will be filed under the searching for equine in the Not the Owner/Found Report category and is used for people who have bought a horse and are looking for the history of the horse. Make sure you state in the report description that you are looking for history, owners, etc.
  • Cruelty—This report is used for shooting, stabbing, or abusive acts on an animal.
  • Found—This is a free report where the finder can post an animal they have found to help search for an owner.
  • Stolen Tack / Equipment—In this report, you can list stolen trailers, tractors, saddles, etc. Please provide law enforcement contact information and criminal case number in your description.
Report Options
  • Custom video
  • Deluxe flyer
  • Press Release
  • Text Alert
  • Spotlight a report 
  • Reward
  • Picture enhancement pack
  • Please pay it forward

Do I have to pay for the report?

Yes, all reports other than the found report have a small one-time fee. Additional report options are available. We require you to file ONE report PER animal or item that is missing/stolen etc. For search engine purposes and to be fair to everyone, we may disable reports that violate this rule or charge additional fees.

How do I get back to my report?

If you have to leave your computer or close a reporting window down, you can return to it later by logging into your account and clicking on My Registry/Reports. You will find all of your filed reports here. Click on any report to resume editing.

Stolen Horse International provides news and other resources for free on this website. As a charitable organization we survive on the kindness of people like you. Please consider donating to help fund the organization or purchasing a NetPosse ID for your horse, dog or cat to help protect your beloved animals!
Donate  Buy NetPosse ID